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Form Settings Document Type Composition Schema

The Form Settings Document Type is setup to be used as a Composition Document Type only. There are no custom settings for the List View, Permission or Templates areas. This is used for all nodes within the site that use a form that requires settings.

Tree Structure
Document Types > Compositions > Form Settings
Document Type Name
Form Settings
Document Type Alias
Document Type Icon
Design Tabs
Form Settings
List View
No custom settings
No custom settings
No custom settings

Form Settings Tab Properties:

Title Alias Property Type Description
Email From emailFrom Textstring The FROM address of the email. Defaults to
Email Recipients emailRecipients Textarea The list of recipient email addresses. One per line.
Email Subject emailSubject Textstring Defaults to “Form Submission Received”.
Success Redirect Page successRedirectPage Content Picker The page to display after a successful submission.
Error Redirect Page errorRedirectPage Content Picker The page to display when an error occurs.

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