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Page Settings Document Type Composition Schema

The Page Settings Document Type is setup to be used as a Composition Document Type only. This is used for all nodes within the site that have a page template.

Tree Structure
Document Types > Compositions > Page Settings
Document Type Name
Page Settings
Document Type Alias
Document Type Icon
Design Tabs
Page Settings, Markup
List View
No custom settings
No custom settings
No custom settings

Page Settings Tab Properties:

Title Alias Property Type
Hide In Navigation umbracoNaviHide True/false
Umbraco Redirect umbracoRedirect Content Picker
Umbraco Url Alias umbracoUrlAlias Textstring
Hide In Sitemap hideInSitemap True/false
No Index noIndex True/false

Markup Tab Properties:

Title Alias Property Type Description
Head Tag cpHead Textarea Inserted in the head tag markup.
Scripts cpScripts Textarea Inserted at the bottom of the body tag markup.

Copyright © 2020 Blake Clerke.